Friday, October 6

Thoughts to a friend...

The winter is here,
(and so is your birthday)
and has gripped us tight!

The days are shorter, the nights longer
Too much rest at homes,
In front of fire, under the rugs,
- cozy warmth, and time to enjoy!

But winter takes me back
Down to that street, through which I passed,
- the last frosty eves…

…lying at the corner, huddled together,
…two innocent lads…

No fire to warm, no kins to be with,
staring the world go fast by,
with big dazed eyes!

I kept quiet, lokked with pity,
- and so did others:
And I moved on, like the others!

Helpless was I, perhaps;
- failed even to shed a tear for them!

And yet never did I care,
To offer them a cloth, a rug or two…
…or perhaps even some love!

This age has made me so rude
…my conscience so dead!!

(composed 10th December, 1990)

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